Friday 13 September 2013

Another new army!

So maybe blogging isnt for me, unless your audience is a fan of very infrequent updates. Since my last post i changed my mind over which army i wanted to take to 40k doubles and took Tau after being unable to resist the awesome Riptide kit!

This is the army I took-

We did pretty well, winning most of our games and finished in a pretty respectable postition for our first 40k doubles.

So, with this in mind, myself and my good friend Evans will be going to the next event in December. In homage to our first ever doubles outing together where we took White Scars and Black Templars (and won both first place and the best army awards), we have decided to take evrybodies favourite Space Mongolians, descendents of the V Legion Astartes, the White Scars!

The new Space Marine codex gives these guys some pretty tasty rules as well, so we are going for a list which is heavy on bikes with a bit of armoured support.

Below is the start of the army-

 In a couple of weeks i'll try and put up a work in progress shot of the whole army! 31 Bikers, 2 Predator tanks and 2 Stormtalon gunships.